Home Economy Algeria ranked 1st Maghreb country and 3rd African country with a high Human Development Index (HDI)

Algeria ranked 1st Maghreb country and 3rd African country with a high Human Development Index (HDI)

by Ssuperadmin
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Par Rédaction AE24 décembre 2019 / 14 :43

Indice de développement humain (IDH) : L'Algérie 82ème sur 189 pays

Algeria was ranked 1st Maghreb country and 3rd African country with a high Human Development Index (HDI), according to the latest annual report of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on the world ranking of countries.

In Africa, Algeria was ranked behind Seychelles (62nd) and Mauritius (66th in the world).

At the Arab level, Algeria comes in 7th position, surpassed by the United Arab Emirates (35th place worldwide), Saudi Arabia (36th), Qatar (41st), Bahrain (45th), Oman (47th) and Kuwait (57th).

Globally, Algeria was classified in the HDI category, high in 82nd position out of 189 countries rated by the UNDP, with an index of 0.759, thus gaining three (3) places compared to the 2018 ranking ( 85th).

The top of the world ranking is respectively occupied by Norway and Switzerland in 1st and 2nd positions respectively.

The UNDP report draws four categories of countries in its classification, between countries with low human development index (HDI less than 0.550), countries with medium human development (HDI between 0.550 and 0.699), countries with high human development (HDI between 0.700 and 0.799) and countries with very high human development (HDI greater than 0.800).

The HDI ranking assesses the level of human development in countries based on various forms of data, including, among other things, the education level of the population, health and income.

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