Subject : Is Gaza the battlefield for BRICS+ vs I2U2
* 2 months+ after Hamas 7th October Attacks, what are your key takeaways and how you see the situation infolding
* Is it far-fetched/conspiratorial to think that the war in Gaza is an escalation of the war in Ukraine? This line of thinking suggests that the United States, facing a failure to defeat Russia through Ukraine, combined with significant geopolitical developments —such as the Iran-Saudi rapprochement and the expansion of BRICS to specifically include Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt— resulted in a survival panic in Israel and in the US. This, in turn, led the U.S. to counter propose to Saudi Arabia a project strategically equivalent to the Belt&Road/Brics+ project, namely the I2U2 project agains a Saudi normalization with Israel with the agreement of the Palestinian Authority, excluding Hamas, Thus triggering Hamas October 7th attacks?
* How can we understand the role of India & UAE between BRICS+ and I2U2
* In Algeria we are convinced that the country was not added to BRICS+ because it was opposed by INDIA especially that economically Algeria does much better than Ethiopia, Argentina and Egypt, any insight from you as someone who understands the Indian foreign policy, is it just because Algeria has strong and strategic partnership with China (and Russia) or is there more to it as we Algerians believe that it was orchestrated by Israel, UAE and France and India was their only Ally in the BRICS?
* In Africa, though less globally strategic, there is a similar case to Belt&Road vs I2U2, the Transahara Gas pipeline from Nigeria to Europe : (i)Through Algeria, it will go through 3 countries, should cost $15bln and should be in operation in maximum 5 years
(ii)Through Morocco, it will go through 14 countries, should cost $30bln and will need 15 years to be in operations
Logic would tell that it is a no brainer that through Algeria is much more economical, however again we find UAE (I2U2 partner) supporting and offering to finance the through Morocco pipeline. If we add to this constatation the recommendation of the recent COP28 and for the first time to gradually exit fossil fuel in the coming decades, isn’t all this another manipulation by UAE/Israel to sabotage Nigeria/Algeria and Africa as in one side they support a longer period fossil fuel project and in the other hand they sign for an exit of fossil fuel (hence shortening the period Nigeria & Algeria could benefit from the project or completely killing it for that matter)