The Algerian government has decided to place the e-government program among its priorities. A decision that is bearing fruit and that will promote economic growth, job creation and quality of life.
The Algerian government proceeded, Wednesday, December 7, to the official launch of the digital government portal of public services. Operational on the address, the portal contains more than 300 digitized public services under 29 ministerial departments.
The portal offers the citizen the opportunity to access, in real time 24/7, all the digitized public services provided by the various administrations, and to consult the information relating to the various administrative measures in one click. .
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Speaking about this considerable progress, the Prime Minister, Mr. Aïmene Benabderrahmane, affirmed that this portal of great importance for the government will promote “unified access to digitized services, which will spare the citizen the constraint of looking for services digitized audiences and the loss of time by consulting several official sites or sectoral portals, given their multiplicity”.
Indeed, since 2020, several achievements have been recorded in terms of strengthening infrastructure, which has enabled Algeria to create a solid foundation for a real digital transformation. Thus, according to the report of the UN e-Government Survey 2022, “E-Government Survey 2022 The Future of Digital Government”, of the 193 Member States in the development of e-government, Algeria ranks 112th with a high e-governance index and is among the 16 countries in Africa with the highest level in 2022.
It should be noted that the setting up of this portal is part of the country’s national digital transition strategy. According to the Prime Minister, this is a very important step “on the way to the realization of the program of the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who promised, in his 25th commitment, the realization of the digital transition, the generalization the use of ICTs, in particular in the administrations and public structures and the improvement of the governance of the economic domain”.