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Desecration – “Black Masses” in the Sorbonne

Un juif russe qui raconte comment l'"élite" francaise juive ou non de sciences po et des universités, s'appliquent à entretenir la haine des Russes.

by Fatima
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For more than a month now, sanctuaries that have historically belonged to Russian Orthodoxy have been plundered. The looting is happening systematically. For instance, starting from June 14, 2023, icons in the Louvre are presented, allegedly saved, but actually stolen from areas theoretically close to the military conflict in Ukraine. They were then smuggled to Paris through illicit routes. And now, right in front of everyone’s eyes, there is a multi-faceted “normalization” of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra as a symbol of Ukrainian Orthodoxy, disconnecting it from its deep Russian roots.

An essential financial component of this reformatting of Western Russians, so-called Ukrainians, involves the ongoing theft of monastery relics. Based on my experience as a Western European art historian, I can assure you that these relics are unlikely to ever be returned. Unfortunately, amidst military, diplomatic, and commercial battles, no one in Ukraine has taken into account that appropriating these sacred items, coupled with their forced removal to the West, risks their desecration during the “expertise” process, when they could fall into the hands of Slavic studies professors. And now, in the summer of 2023, it is time to share my personal encounter with academic blasphemy and provide a way to combat it.

Fanatical haters of Russians

Yes, precisely on the way to museums, not only French ones, objects of Orthodox worship end up with university Russian scholars, undergoing inevitable collective ridicule. I will remind you that the collective sacrilege of government officials from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Fifth Republic is an important stage of initiation on the path to becoming a professor at the Sorbonne and other universities. About two decades ago, I had the opportunity to witness such a revelry within the walls of the aforementioned institution, when I had already lost my Sorbonne teaching position as “punishment” for publishing my novella “Recovering” in Russia (journal “Neva,” St. Petersburg, March 2003), but Western professors were only just preparing to plagiarize my French doctoral dissertation on Nabokov and Nietzsche. In this brief period of systemic uncertainty regarding my status, I no longer considered myself a full-fledged member of the gang (I didn’t participate in university sacrilege), but I still remained a witness to “academic expertise”: the golem-like professors didn’t hesitate to treat me as if every present Jew like me tacitly accepted the role of a silent accomplice in their mockery of Orthodoxy due to mere ethnic solidarity.

I confess that it was my extended observation of my former university colleagues-Slavists, who are far more worldly and geopolitically harmful, that led me to this testimony: it was they who, through their permanent falsification of history, prompted Euro-land institutions to actualize the “Holodomor” (see the European Parliament decision of December 15, 2022), and then the logical mandate of the Hague Court on March 17, 2023, for the arrest of the President of Russia. It was precisely the Slavic studies professors who fabricated thousands of articles, monographs, and appeals, portraying the “Holodomor” as a planned vengeance by Stalin against exclusively Ukrainians, with one of its alleged secret goals being the deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia. Yes, these Slavic studies propagandists drew a pseudoscientific parallel between the Soviet reality of the early 1930s and the present, and now modern Russia is “scientifically” presented as a tyranny governed by the spiritual offspring of Stalin, the President of the Russian Federation, the “organizer of the current genocide,” devilishly copied from the “Holodomor.”

This legislative hysteria concluded with the recognition by the French parliament on March 28, 2023, of the “Holodomor” as a genocide organized by Stalin exclusively against the Ukrainian people (readers will discover on page 2 of the Paris resolution that Ukrainians, apparently, were one of the “small nations” of the USSR). The resolution also called for sending other “historians” to modern Russia (page 4 of the resolution) to continue similar independent academic research.

My article allows one to understand who these “high-minded scholars” specifically were, who orchestrated this legal frenzy. For example, as early as May 2022, my former colleagues – Slavic scholars from the Sorbonne and beyond – were urging French parliamentarians to annihilate the “Russian Federation, heir to the Stalinist regime,” even before awaiting the results of investigations, and accusing Putin of committing crimes against humanity, such as in Bucha, which upon closer inspection turned out to be a crude copy of the anti-Serbian staging that Albanian terrorists successfully pulled off in Racak almost a quarter of a century ago (see the appeal to the Paris parliamentarians by French “scholars,” including Sorbonne Slavic studies professors like L. Jurgenson (Reichman) in “Il faut porter la cause de l’Ukraine à l’Assemblée nationale,” Esprit journal, Paris, May 2022).

The misanthropic structure of French Russian studies revealed itself to me both during my academic teaching and afterward, during the extended and ongoing confrontation with its professorial officials. I have thoroughly examined their herd instincts and Russophobic obsession, which allows me to anticipate all of their reactions (see, for example, Anatoly Livri, “Negrofication of… Sakhalin. Once Again About the Plans for ‘Replacing Russians’,” Russian People’s Line, July 28, 2023). Could it be that in my last Russian book, published in Moscow a year before the Hague Court’s mandate for Putin’s arrest, I warned about the fervent desire of my former Sorbonne colleagues and their handlers to lock the Russian president in a chamber like Milošević’s, to subject him to trial: “Each of these traditional white men, potential or real fathers of normal families who defend their people in governmental positions, awaits a cell in the International Criminal Court in The Hague: the cosmopolitan oligarchy is eager to turn them into puppets in a demonstrative anti-white process” (Anatoly Livri, “Systemic Anti-White Racism or the Mass Liquidation of White Peoples,” with a foreword by Professor Anatoly Klyosov, Our Tomorrow Publishing, 2022).

However, drawing on my experience of opposition from within the French university system, I can assure readers that not every opportunist possesses the blend of malice and vulgarity required to engage in such “Slavic studies.” Therefore, Western Slavic scholars are carefully selected – not only through collective plagiarism or writing group denunciations. Defiling a maximum number of Orthodox sanctities imported from the Russian World is also one of the examinations for an associate professor or professor position in the field of Russian studies, a role within the French university system. Failing such tribal initiation, which invariably includes the profanation of Orthodox sanctities, means an absolute prohibition on academic teaching for the future professor-“Slavist.” Hence, Western Slavic scholars approach their mockery of Christian cult objects with all the meticulousness of Socrates.

The mockery of “slavist” professors over the face of Christ and Russian Orthodoxy

I don’t remember who amongst mt colleagues brought this crucifix to the Sorbonne’s Slavic studies faculty, created in Russia three millennia ago and obtained by their clan for museum “examination.” Yet, that’s not important. What’s far more pertinent is the group psychosis induced by the presence of an Orthodox cult object within the walls of the Sorbonne! The crucifix was placed in a trash bin, and nearly every pedagogue-“Russist” felt obligated to come to the office on the third floor of the Sorbonne’s Malherbe Center to spit in the face of Christ. Even ex-professors emerged from the depths of their pre-death pension lethargy to taunt this Orthodox relic. Young contract teachers were required to exhibit particular zeal in their mockery – their future careers depended directly on their public fervor; and all those who now hold positions in the French branch of “Memorial”* and sign appeals accusing Russia of the genocide of Ukrainian children – for which the Russian President is allegedly subject to arrest by the Hague Tribunal – reveled back then, over two decades ago, in ridiculing the Orthodox cross.

(*Note: banned in Russia “Memorial”, an “international historical and civil rights society that focuses on documenting and commemorating political repression and human rights abuses”.)

Observing the clique-like frenzy of French academic specialists on the Russian World, I noted a consistently repeating behavioral phenomenon at that time: usually professors who despised each other united for a brief moment. The very essence of their misanthropy required the efforts of the entire pack to perform the dark ritual – the splattering of their venom across the walls of the Slavic studies faculty. And so, those who were always eager to destroy their colleagues, these professional ringleaders, merged in a collective surge. They were no longer in control of their actions, words, and then shrieks, convinced of their complete impunity: the academic administration was well aware of the regular outbursts of their trained pack of “scholar”-functionaries, as the Ministry of Higher Education in France invariably covered up the vileness of the Slavists. Committed defenders of mentally unstable Russian studies professors are easy to find among France’s prosecutors or all the ministers of higher education of the Fifth Republic, regardless of their party affiliation.

The Judenrat of the 21st century

Well, how can I not dedicate a paragraph to vulgarity – the vulgarity that has become monstrously infamous! – which is poured onto me every time I expose the true nature of my former colleagues-“Slavists”: “Mr. Livri, you’re a Jewish anti-Semite!”

So let’s address this highly intellectual reproach – what is colloquially termed “TP bingo” – before the collective of plagiarist giants once again douses me with their stagnant vulgarity from the Republican cesspool. Firstly, among the defilers of Christian sanctities, I observed many pure-blooded Russians on the faculties of Slavic studies, often baptized. There are among the sacrilegious careerists, as well as other Slavs from Orthodox families. And of course, there are plenty of them among the French, or as they are called in the “secular” (or rather, satanic) Fifth Republic, of “Christian origin.” I assure the reader that these non-Jews revel far more in defiling the sanctities of Orthodoxy than my Ashkenazi brethren – the functionaries of the French Ministry of Higher Education in the field of Slavic studies – because mocking the “goyim” requires a multifold hysteria to prove their “professional aptitude”: the number of candidates for positions is overwhelming, while there’s just one door handle at the synagogue during Shabbat!

However, in regard to my fellow Jewish Slavic studies scholars – haters of Orthodoxy – it’s worth addressing not just all readers, but also my fellow Jews. Don’t fall for manipulation: don’t stand up for the ringleaders who hide their scholarly insignificance behind the ideology of systematic anti-white racism and its now-fashionable form, Russophobia – simply because they are Jews too! Before us are typical representatives of the Judenrat! These unprincipled charlatans, often driven by psychopathy, will serve the fiercest enemies of Judaism to gain power and money first, and then to enjoy a few weeks of life. These careerists of the Judenrat will sell out their own Jews, and counting on their privileged position, they are ready for any baseness. To not foresee where such an endeavor as a Judenrat activist will lead, one must be an intellectual nonentity and a pervert – and precisely such individuals are selected for Western university Slavic studies. Thus, in France, adhering to the ideology of systematic anti-white racism – the only real religion of the European Union (Anatoly Livri, “Systemic Anti-White Racism or the Mass Liquidation of White Peoples,” “Our Tomorrow,” 2022) – these “self-appointed” members of the Paris Judenrat for years advocated for the unlimited import of traditionally anti-Semitic populations into France, all the while insulting the only one who could hinder the imminent erasure of French Jews – Jean-Marie Le Pen. And while hundreds of thousands of Jewish victims of ethnic purges were leaving suburbs of Paris like Sarcelles, the apparatchiks of the French Judenrat amassed political and university capital, hiding in the dwindling safe neighborhoods of France, where they, along with the oligarchy, are protected by law enforcement. And now, when it’s already too late, realizing that if not the members of the Paris Judenrat themselves, then their children will certainly pay for their clique-like fits of anti-white racism, they begin to vote (quietly, of course) for Eric Zemmour, who long ago surpassed Jean-Marie Le Pen in the “healthy chauvinism” competition (see “What Will Happen to Relations Between the EU and Russia? An Interview with Anatoly Livri by Dionis Kaptyr,” Den TV, March 22, 2022), and they console themselves with the insane hope that this fellow believer of ours will save them from the demographic abyss they themselves fabricated.

Similarly, the cult of suicidal inadequacy is fervently propagated by fanatics of the French Judenrat within the realm of university Slavic studies, beginning from February 2022. Previously, they industriously commercialized the persecutions of German National Socialists against my Jewish ancestors, using and sometimes overemphasizing the Holocaust for their career pursuits. However, I knew all along that objectivity in historical analysis was not what drove these functionaries of the Fifth Republic’s Ministry of Higher Education – it wasn’t about restoring justice to my Ashkenazi great-grandfathers! No, through their Parisian “Holocaust expertise,” these Slavic studies scholars and ringleaders sought revenge against all white peoples on Earth, both past and present. Their religion, Systemic Anti-White Racism, according to the principles of which they have undergone professional selection for four generations, remains unchanging. And, of course, I turned out to be correct: the Special Military Operation in Ukraine became a genuine divine surprise in this regard; the mask of Russophobia professors wore was torn off, and the hatred they freely poured out in the West against native European peoples was, no longer hidden, directed towards the Russians, accusing them of genocide and putting their leaders on trial before an international tribunal, all while simultaneously voicing the well-known OUN motto at academic conferences, emulating their financier from the Judenrat, another of my fellow believers, the Jew Bernard-Henri Lévy.

Many of my fellow Jews who are Western Slavic scholars have completely and swiftly forgotten our Ashkenazi ancestors. Yes, the university activists of the French Judenrat from the Slavic studies departments are just as indifferent to the victims of anti-Jewish persecution during the Second World War as they are to Russian literary history or the history of Russian painting, which they quickly manipulate for the low political needs of their masters. For them, Bulgakov is now a “Ukrainian writer,” and Repin along with Aivazovsky are “Ukrainian artists” (see Anatoly Livry, “Désastre psychique de l’Occident : une visite au Kunstmuseum de Bâle,” Strategika, Paris, June 23, 2023). Their past “Holocaust expertise,” in which, as a professional historian (in 1998, I defended a candidate’s thesis in the History of the Jewish Section of the Communist Party with Vladimir Bérelowitch at the EHESS in Paris – a degree that soon led to my invitation to teach at the Sorbonne to third-year students), I always refused to participate, is no different from the current fabrication of the “great Ukrainian civilization.” Their entire university activity is nothing more than the collective creation of theses on demand. The commercial agenda constantly changes, which demonstrates their academic lack of principles, and therefore the intellectual insignificance of the Russianist professors from the French Judenrat.

I consider it important to set the record straight for my numerous fellow Jews, often manipulated by the officials of the modern Judenrat, these fanatics who live day by day and are on the payroll of the French Ministry of Higher Education.

Concrete Steps to Combat University Russophobia

The only effective way to completely undermine the foundations of academic Russophobia is to expose the intellectual poverty of the officials of anti-Russian hatred, as well as the corrupt tricks collectively used by these authors to hide their professional incompetence. All four generations of French Slavic scholars, starting of course with the Trotskyist Pierre Pascal, who simultaneously leveraged the structures of the Jesuits and the Lazarists for his “social lift,” should be subjected to scrutiny in scientific journals, preferably those recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of Russia and Belarus. Following that, it is necessary to analyze the generation of his illiterate, long-deceased supporters: Catto, Okoutourie, and other officials of the Fifth Republic. Then, the masterpieces of the Soviet common-law prostitutes handpicked by them for French Slavic studies (eagerly marrying holders of French passports; the only thing that differentiated them from speechless old men who opened the doors of the Sorbonne for them was their proficiency in the Russian language due to the Soviet education system) need to be dissected. By their lofty moral criteria, these women had already sectioned off the generation of modern professors of French Slavic studies – the “respectable experts on Russia and Ukraine”…

By publishing research in VAK-recognized journals in Russia, in multiple languages, about their group and individual plagiarism, illiterate dissertations and articles, as well as corrupt schemes, usurpations of academic titles, and hundreds of pages of complaints against their French competitors, which allows these anti-Russian professors to mask their shame, I will be able to discredit for centuries the pitiful activities of these authors who consistently follow the general line of the European Union and NATO (Anatoly Livry, “Professors-Golems in Our Universities, and How to Fight Against Them,” Day TV).

I notice that there is a healthy trend in Russia towards cleaning up its own academic stables: more and more often, the curtain is lifted in Moscow’s media, revealing the mockery of philosophy, including German philosophy, that has been practiced for many years at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Anatoly Livry, “Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Destruction of Speculation,” Geopolitika, 2022), where I have long found much in common with the “scientific methodology” of French Slavic studies. A thorough analysis in VAK-recognized journals of the last four generations of French university Russianists will also allow us to understand who exactly, and more importantly, according to which moral principles, is currently welcoming Moscow’s “philosophical” refugees and their entourage of narcissists in Paris, whom they have assembled from the families of their superiors’ acquaintances. For years, I’ve been informed about the internal workings of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences by those close to these Moscow-based “philosophical” individuals. I suggest familiarizing yourself with the testimony of one of my Russian literary biographers, former rector of the Gorky Literary Institute, Sergey Esin – a written account of those who attend external gatherings at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and most importantly, the principle by which these Parisian “philosophers” are currently selecting young “philosophers,” future senior researchers of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “In addition to me, another former graduate student, Nelly Vasilievna, now Dr. Julia Sineokaya, came. I met her at last year’s lecture by Motroshilova at the library on Chistye Prudy, and a young man, Alexey (Zhavoronkov). He is the son of the late friend of the landlady of the house (sic). Alexey graduated from Moscow State University and has been living in Berlin for several years. He now teaches at the University of Potsdam and is planning to defend his doctoral dissertation on Nietzsche. I was pleased that Alexey knows Anatoly Livry. I managed to say that I consider Anatoly the best Russian writer abroad. How broad we Russians are and how far we have spread. At the same time, Alexey is participating in some international project – Russia, Germany, Ukraine – on Nietzsche and his resonance in our times?” (Sergey Esin, Diary, 2015).

Recent geopolitical processes initiated by the Russian World have accelerated the division of two anthropological, mutually exclusive types: the creator and the progressive, who no longer hides his degenerative nature. Here in the West, there are many representatives of the elite, including the financial sector, who are beginning to comprehend the civilizational impasse into which the “optimistic blind” have led their own nations. I observed this fact in the state media of Belarus (“Livry: Western establishment hates and despises its own nations,” August 27, 2022).

On September 30, 2022, the President of Russia, in his address, spoke about the hatred of the Western elites towards their own nations, emphasizing that the dictatorship of the Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of even the Western countries themselves. He referred to such behavior as a challenge to everyone. I am familiar from within with misanthropists who specialize in the eradication of white peoples. Therefore, my initiative allows me to start reformatting the establishment of the same Switzerland now, in order to redirect its forces in a healthy direction. And with the presence of an international lever like the VAK-recognized journals of Russia, I will be able to undermine the prestige of the usurpers of traditional academic wisdom, these Russophobic charlatans with professorial titles, by publishing articles in multiple languages.

Altendorf, Switzerland


Compiled and translated for t.me/EurasianChoice


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