ALGIERS-The Prime Minister, Mr. Aïmene Benabderrahmane, said Monday in Algiers that the Bank of Algeria intends to adopt a national digital currency under the name of “Algerian digital dinar” as part of the digitization of payments.
In his speech at the opening of the work of the conference on the future challenges of central banks organized by the Bank of Algeria on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of its creation, Mr. Benabderrahmane underlined that “among the main workshops open to the Bank of Algeria, represents the digitization of payments by moving towards the adoption of a digital form of currency, which it will issue, manage and control under the name of Algerian digital dinar”.
He added that “the Algerian digital dinar” will eventually be a support for the physical form of fiat money.
“In the digital age, the need to strengthen the security and control of payment systems will undoubtedly be felt, new challenges that the Bank of Algeria must face”, concluded the Prime Minister.
Translated from aps