By Ahmed Bensaada
Ladies and gentlemen of this world,
May I, in my gratitude for the benevolent attention you may lend to my text, allow myself to express my concern that your humanism is threatened by the most shameful, the most indelible of stains?
An entity named “Israel” is unilaterally deciding to decimate an entirely defenseless people, the ultimate affront to all truth, to all justice. And it’s done, all of humanity bears this blemish on its cheek, history will write that it was in your era that such an abominable crime could be committed.
Since they dared, I will dare too. The truth, I will speak it, for I promised to do so, if justice, duly notified, does not uphold it, in its entirety. My duty is to speak, I refuse to be complicit. My nights would be haunted by the specter of these innocents crushed under the rubble, of these thousands of children and women brutally murdered.
And it is to you, ladies and gentlemen of this world, that I will shout this truth, with all the force of my honest man’s revolt. For your honor, I am inclined to believe that you are unaware. To whom else shall I denounce the malevolent horde of the real culprits, if not to you, honest citizens of this world?
I Accuse this entity named “Israel” of war crimes, crimes against humanity, mass crimes, genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing;
I Accuse the Western countries, misleadingly referred to as the “international community,” of active complicity in all the crimes of the Zionist state;
I Accuse these countries of incessantly harping on about their eternal “Human Rights,” only to suddenly suffer from amnesia when it concerns the Palestinians;
I Accuse these countries of peddling the fallacious concept of “Right to Protect” (R2P) when it suits them and replacing it with “Right to Kill” (R2K) when it concerns the Palestinians;
I Accuse the Western media of working in packs, of trampling on elementary rules of ethics, of spreading lies, of blindly following the pro-Zionist policies of their countries and, consequently, of committing war crimes against the Palestinians;
I Accuse the human rights NGOs, who spend their time squawking against certain targeted countries because they are generously maintained by the West, of non-assistance to a people in danger of extermination;
I Accuse FIFA, another Western and NATO instrument, of “swiftly punishing” certain countries and cowardly turning a blind eye when it comes to the Israeli state;
I Accuse the United Nations of being nothing more than a vulgar “apparatus” that serves only as a forum for interminable sterile debates. If this institution is incapable of promptly putting an end to a genocide in broad daylight, it has no right to exist;
I Accuse the Arab countries that have “normalized” their relations with the barbaric Zionist entity of selling their souls to savagery and sacrificing the just cause of the Palestinian people.
I have but one passion, that of light, in the name of humanity that has suffered so much and is entitled to happiness. My impassioned protest is nothing but the cry of my soul. Let them dare to bring me to trial, and let the investigation take place in broad daylight!
I await.
P.S.: The first four paragraphs and the conclusion of this article are borrowed from Emile Zola’s text, “J’Accuse,” published on January 13, 1898, on the front page of the Parisian daily “L’Aurore.”