ALGIERS- Constructed by the National Civil Engineering and Building Company (ENGCB), the natural gas transport pipeline linking Tiguentourine to Hassi-Kifaf was commissioned on Thursday by the authorities of the wilaya of Illizi, as part of the celebration of the double anniversary of February 24 (1956-1971), reports the APS agency.
According to the explanations provided, the project cost 4 billion DA and involved the installation of a 12-inch pipeline, over a length of 109 km, from the Tiguentourine gas complex to the Hassi-Kifaf pumping
station, with a transport capacity of 150,000 m3/day.
Managed by national skills, with the support of modern equipment, the project aims to cover the growing demand for natural gas in the wilayas of Illizi and Djanet, and support their urban extension and the economic dynamics experienced by these two borders provinces.
During the inaugural ceremony, the wali of Illizi, Ahmed Belhaddad, valued the realization of this type of industrial and energy projects in this border wilaya, adding that “great economic challenges await”.
The Tiguentourine/Hassi-Kifaf gas pipeline is an extension of the gas pipelines built in two phases, the first commissioned in 2005 between the Hassi-Kifaf pumping station and the municipality of Illizi over 79 km, and the second in 2018 between Illizi and Djanet over 379 km.