It is with a bit of irony that I have often had the right to a well-thought-out question: Why Algeria?
What justifies my predilection for a country that is not mine but that I appropriate without the slightest concern?
I will answer without parsimony.
First: because I consider, like some revolutionaries, that Algeria is the homeland of the homeless… It’s a rumor that ran long ago and not long ago, just after the Algerian war, it was said that Christians had Rome to dig, the Jews Jerusalem to sow, the Muslims Mecca to reap… And that only Algeria remained for those thirsty for Justice… even if its children are not the most satiated. This is the land of revolutionaries.
Second: because I consider that this land has suffered more than reason from colonization… its children have been deprived of air and light for a very long time… their parents humiliated, offended and tortured by a foreign force which has done everything for them reduce to dust.
Algeria has been able to keep quiet with the firm will to rebuild itself. Because she is proud and her pride is revolutionary.
Third: because I consider it to be the only nation that remains in solidarity with its Palestinian brothers. It is only in Algeria where we say that Palestine belongs and only belongs to the Palestinians… we believe in it firmly and we refuse any material and spiritual link with Israel. Because Algeria has no other friends than Justice, no other enemies than injustice. It is the same imbroglio that pushed him to defend the Polisario Front… even if some do not believe a word of it.
Conclusion without illusion: because I consider in my soul and conscience as a child of France, that today’s world is more than ever at the service of vice and caprice, there is no one left to play the good offices, except for the Algerian…proper name and common name borne by someone whose hand one would like to shake…a WestBanker told me.