by Hope Jzr
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By Ahmed Bensaada

Translated by hope from https://www.ahmedbensaada.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=604:alors-expliquez-nous-le-sport-cest-politique-ou-non&catid=46:qprintemps-arabeq&Itemid=119


But why on earth have we been fed this empty phrase for ages, brandished like a heavenly principle?

“We must not mix sport and politics! The “First Commandment” of the sports grimoire, recited ad nauseam by the shamans of world sport!

We had to be told that this slogan was not valid for everyone, that it did not apply at all to Western countries or to countries considered as such because they were “genetically” different. We had to be told that only Third World countries were targeted and that these shamans, servants of the Temple of Sport, were the intercessors between the gods of Ottoman politics and us, poor second-class humans, addicted to the Olympics and other ball games.

According to AFP, the “sporting world” reacted very quickly, only “a few hours after the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army on Thursday”. Quick reaction or knee-jerk reaction?

What happened next? A deluge of declarations, indignations, bans and bans on everything related to Russian sport! Nothing like this has ever been seen in human memory!

In football, the UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) did not beat about the bush: the Champions League final, initially scheduled for St. Petersburg, was moved. Then, together with FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association), the decision was taken to simply exclude Russia “from all its international competitions“, as Poland had refused to play its play-off match against Russia.

In this regard, a little historical background is in order.

In 2013, the organisation of the European Under-21 Football Championship (sic) was awarded to Israel. Presumably to thank them for Operation Cast Lead in 2009. Do you remember this massacre perpetrated by the Hebrew state? Here it is in a few figures: 1417 killed, including 926 civilians (313 children and 116 women). The weapons used? White phosphorus, DIME, GBU-39, …

Was it over? No, it was not. Another massacre in 2012. Here is an account published by Le Monde Diplomatique :

“[…] on 8 and 11 November – a few days before the start of the military operation “Pillar of Defence” against the Gaza Strip (14-21 November 2012, more than 180 dead on the Palestinian side, the vast majority of them civilians, including about 50 children) – four teenagers were killed by Israeli bombardments while they were playing round ball in Gaza […]”

This did not bother Michel Platini, who was at the time president of UEFA and incidentally accused of professional fraud. On 29 November 2012, a few days after the murderous attack, he went for a luncheon with the Israeli president, Shimon Peres. Perhaps they took the time, between two petits fours, to discuss the brand of balloon used by the children killed by Tsahal?

Amidst the outcry over the choice of host country for this sporting event, a delegation of activists went to UEFA headquarters to voice their opposition and demand explanations. Platini replied: “Sport cannot interfere with politics, which is why UEFA is not considering sanctions against Israel”.

Ah, that Platini! A real dribbler!

So when it comes to Israel, this murderous state, this regime that practices apartheid against the Palestinians, this cruel system of domination and crime against humanity, no sanctions! In all honesty, I would like to mention that the phrase (underlined) qualifying the Hebrew state is not mine, but appears in the title of a recent Amnesty International report. So everyone knows, right? Was Platini bribed by Mossad, by any chance?

Amnesty International report (2022)

So sanctions for Russia and no sanctions for Israel?

The massacres of Palestinians and the colonisation of their land have never stopped since that championship. That hasn’t stopped FIFA president Gianni Infantino from daydreaming. About what exactly? About Israel hosting the 2030 football World Cup! And why not? Isn’t the life of a Palestinian worth that of a Ukrainian? A dark complexion and curly hair are not worth a white skin and blond hair, are they, Mr Infantino?

And I am told that you have even discussed this with the Prime Minister of that country whose national sport is “shooting Palestinians”. And to think that it was you who banned Russia from the next World Cup! Is there a little problem or am I cross-eyed?

So shamans, is sport political or not?

If we can apply sanctions to Russia, we could well apply them to Israel, and also to the United States, which (among others, many, many others!) massacred Iraqis and demolished their country after waving a small bottle of bicarbonate of soda at the UN. And to France, which turned a “no-fly zone” into the total destruction of Libya, thus reviving the business of slavery and terrorism. And to all those countries, vassals of Washington, which are sowing chaos and desolation in Syria, Yemen and other countries that only want to live in peace at home.

Following this line of reasoning, ALL NATO countries should be banned from ALL sports competitions forever.

In addition to football, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has also flexed its muscles: Russian athletes must be excluded! Not one, not two. All of them and in all sports!

So let’s see, IOC President Thomas Bach, wasn’t it you who less than a fortnight ago “called the organizers of the Beijing 2022 Olympics to order” (Wow, what courage) when they “denounced lies about the human rights situation in Xinjiang”? Didn’t you remind them of the “First Commandment” of the sports grimoire. “Don’t mix sport and politics,” you heroically hammered at them! And this made the headlines in your mainstream media, which shows us its ugly face of racist, slavish and institutionalised disinformation.

In July 2021, the International Judo Federation (IJF) sanctioned Algerian judoka Fathi Norine, abruptly ending his career. A 10-year suspension for refusing to compete against an Israeli judoka at the last Olympics in Tokyo. As Algeria has no diplomatic relations with the Zionist state, he decided to align himself with the official policy of his country which is opposed to any normalisation with Israel as long as the ancestral rights of the Palestinians are not respected. Is there a more noble gesture than this? Sacrificing his career and that of his coach for a just, humanistic cause in accordance with UN resolutions.

Is sport against international law?

Is sport against the official policy of the member countries of international federations?

Does sport not promote humanist values in its charter?

Is sport in the pay of NATO and its evil and bellicose policy?

Does sport participate in Israel’s colonising and discriminatory mission?

You can guess what follows: Mr. Marius L. Vizer, president of the IJF, has sanctioned Russia (too!) for its intervention in Ukraine. In a page called “Judo for Peace”, he announced “with regret the cancellation of the 2022 Grand Slam in Kazan, Russia, scheduled for May 20-22, 2022”.

Tell me, Uncle Marius, is there a “Judo for Peace” for Palestine and for all the Norines of this world who fight on the tatami of international justice?

Norine has not killed anyone, unlike the Hebrew state that has taken away the lives, dreams and olive trees of generations of Palestinians.

Norine is fighting for young Palestinians to play a sport instead of ending up in mass graves or under the rubble of their schools.

So, cursed shamans of world sport, is sport political or not?

By Ahmed Bensaada

Translated by hope from https://www.ahmedbensaada.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=604:alors-expliquez-nous-le-sport-cest-politique-ou-non&catid=46:qprintemps-arabeq&Itemid=119

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