The National flower of Algeria is Iris Tectorum also known as Iris (scientific name). It belongs to Iridaceae family and sub family of Limniris . With the exception of the bulbous iris all should be planted with the rhizome at or just below the soil surface. Late summer is the best time to move or divide most iris.When dividing iris reduce the rhizome to a young, vigorous piece, discarding the old rhizome.
Water all iris in dry weather the first season after transplanting to help them establish a new root system.Plant bulbous iris 4-8″ deep in autumn. Juno iris should only be planted 2″ deep. Lift and divide bulbous iris as the leaves fade.
Most species iris can be grown from seed although some may take many years to flower. Hybrid iris will not come true to name. Feed with a low nitrogen, slow release fertilizer. With the exception of water edge varieties iris prefer a well-drained soil. Add grit (a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone) and humus to heavy clay soils. Lime may be beneficial for very acid soils. Avoid covering the rhizome with mulch.
Algeria National Flower commonly name in most countries roof iris because it was grown in the that of Chinese and Japanese houses roofs. Iris has a thick, (the size of a man’s thumb), buff (coloured) , creeping, or greenish rhizome.
They are similar in form to a bearded iris rhizome. It has slender, short roots (under the rhizomes), and fibres on the top. The creeping habit, creates spreading clumps of plants. It does not produce stolons. It has a 1 cm long pedicel (flower stalk), which is shorter than the spathe, but similar in size to the ovary.
The stems (and the branches) hold between 1 and 3 flowers, in late spring, or early summer, between April and May, or June. It flowers between September and October in Australia. The flower display can last for 2 weeks. The flowers are 7.6–10 cm (3–4 in) in diameter, The flattened horizontal, flowers are larger than Iris japonica flowers.
10 Things About Iris Tectorum: The Algeria national flower you should know
- Iris Tectorum is a native and the most popular flower of Algeria country
- A study was carried out to isolate various chemical compounds from the seeds of Iris tectorum, it found an ester(. esters are chemical compounds derived from an acid (organic or inorganic) ‘iristectorene B’. esters are chemical compounds derived from an acid (organic or inorganic)
- Edible(suitable for use as food) starch(a complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice) is said to be extracted from it Some care is advised since there are reports that the plant might be poisonous. May be it extracted starch is edible.
- It work as complete fertilizer One to two tablespoons before blooming
- The flowers are self-fertile, but are pollinated by insects. orris root also used in perfumes and deodorants industry
- cytotoxic (the quality of being toxic to cells) properties of Iris tectorum, used to treat cancer
- The leaves of Iris tectorum, to find the chemical compounds within the leaves. These compounds were tested for anti-ling cancer properties
- Iris tectorum flower was also found in neuro-protective activities
- It was verified by United States Department of Agriculture and the Agricultural Research Service on 2 April 1996 and updated on 1 December 2004.Iris tectorum is an accepted name by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)
- Iris means “rainbow” in the Greek language. Name refers to the ability of iris to produce flowers in various colors white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, lavender, blue or brown colored flowers
- Each color have different meaning Depending on the color of the flowers, iris can signify wisdom (purple iris), purity (white iris), faith (blue iris) or passion (yellow iris)
Why is Iris Tectorum the national flower of Algeria
The first research on Iris was published and described by Karl Maximovich in 1871.
Iris flowers are brilliant spring flowers, and the best-known and loved garden plants native to central ,southern Europe and warm ,tropical regions of Asia Flowers of iris were symbol of faith, wisdom, and courage in the ancient Egypt and they were often used to decorate stick of the rulers.
Volunteer State which is the Nickname of the Tennessee state also accept Iris as national flower due to its interesting and amazing properties as mentioned above Iris Tectorum becomes the national flower of Algeria.
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